Welcome, thank you for joining us today for corporate worship! Whether you are a longtime Christ-follower or someone with a list of questions, we hope you enjoy your time here.
Please fill out the form that best applies to you.

Volunteers Needed - Currently, we need volunteers for the Hospitality team and helpers for our growing PreK-K Children’s Church class. If you would like to serve in these ministries, please fill out the serving form. A Ministry Leader will reach out to you with the next steps and answer any questions you have.
Refuge Photo Scavenger Hunt- Wednesday June 7th, 6:00-8:00pm. INFORMATION & REGISTRATION. Contact Pastor Ricky (518-210-6331) with questions.
King's Kids End of Year Party- Sunday June 11th, 12:00pm - 2:30pm. INFORMATION & REGISTRATION. Contact Jen Mapes (518-813-8499) with questions.
Refuge End of Year Party- Wednesday June 14th, 6:00-7:30pm. INFORMATION & REGISTRATION. Contact Pastor Ricky (518-210-6331) with questions.
- Motorcycle Sunday - June 11th
- Special VBS Offering - June 18th
- Adult Teen Challenge Golf Tournament - Monday, June 26th
- Vacation Bible School - July 10th-14th
- Annual Picnic - July 16th at Henry Hudson Park

Venture Churches Food Pantry
Seeking volunteers to serve once a month on Tuesday mornings (9:30-11:30) or evenings (5:00-7:00). Contact Diane Miller if you are interested or have any questions.
Ministry Team Needs
Currently, we need volunteers for:
- Children's church & Nursery
- Children's Church - We are beginning a 2s and 3s class this Spring and are seeking volunteers to help with this class. If you are interested, contact our Children's Church/Nursery Director, Jessica Deeb with any questions.
- Nursery Ministry needs helpers who love to minister to families by caring for children while parents are worshiping in service. Contact our Children's Church/Nursery Director, Jessica Deeb with any questions.
- The Hospitality Team (Hospitality FAQ) creates a welcoming environment on Sunday mornings where worship, discipleship, and fellowship can happen. Contact Pastor Chris if you have any questions.
- VBS Team We are forming a team to help with the planning of our Vacation Bible School program this year. The team will meet once a month before service at 8:30am beginning January 19th. If you would like to be a part of this team contact Robyn Seils.
If you would like to serve in these ministries, please fill out the serving form below. A Ministry Leader will then contact you with the next steps and answer any questions you have.
Vacation Bible School is our weeklong summer Bible program for Kids from Pre-K up to 8th Grade! It's a lot of fun and amazing week of declaring and demonstrating the gospel to the younger people of the church. It does take many hands to make this week possible. Please consider signing up to volunteer.
Provide Snacks
We are in need of snack donations. If you are able to help, please signup below.
If you have ay questions you can email our director Robyn Seils.
- WEEKLY NEEDS: $ 8,375.00
- FEBRUARY NEEDS: $ 33,500.00 OFFERING: $ 16,865.00
- YTD NEEDS: $ 58,625.00 OFFERING: $ 49,784.00
- In Person: Tithes & Offering boxes are located in the Foyer along with envelopes.
- Text Message: Text an amount to 84321
- Give Online: You can also give online by clicking the button below.
If you are a first-time visitor, we place no expectation on you to contribute. Giving is an act of worship for those who call King's Chapel their home church.
NEEDS: $29,440.00
OFFERING: $28,764.00
NEEDS: $157,420.00
OFFERING: $171,426.00
Tithes & Offering boxes are located in the Foyer along with envelopes. You can also give online by clicking the button below. If you are a first-time visitor, we place no expectation on you to contribute. Giving is an act of worship for those who call King's Chapel their home church.
Church Center is our online community-building platform where the King’s Chapel family stays connected 24/7. Church Center brings all of our church communication into one place offering an opportunity to post prayer requests, share needs, post discussion topics, keep up to date with events, and keep track of your volunteer schedule.
TITLE: "To Please a King"
TEXT: Esther 2: 5-18
SPEAKER: Pastor Caleb Nedimyer
If you are interested in serving at King’s Chapel, click the button below to fill out the service form. You will also find a link to our Spiritual Gifts Assessment Survey which is a very helpful tool as you work to discover the gift(s) God has sovereignly given you.