Did God Really Say That?

We’ve just concluded our summer series, “Did God Really Say That?” It was a good opportunity to step back and reconsider some common cliches and misconceptions that often creep into Christian conversation. We looked at seven phrases, but we could have dealt with many more. For me, it was a very helpful practice asking each week “Did God Really Say That?” It’s the … Read More

The Psalms are Good Poetry

I’ve recently rediscovered the beauty of the Psalms. If you are not in the habit of reading the Psalms or have never read them, then I highly recommend them to you. For those of you unfamiliar with the Psalms, it is a collection of poems written by various authors (as they were moved by the Holy Spirit) and composed over … Read More

Identity in the Gospel

This past week we had our annual Vacation Bible School program. The theme was Submerged, and it was all about seeing below the surface and viewing ourselves and others the way Jesus sees us. It was a great theme both for the kids and for us adult leaders. Sometimes in life we forget that we are defined by more than … Read More

Dual Citizenship

Earlier this week we celebrated the 4th of July, the day that we commemorate America’s declaration of independence from Great Britain. This is our most patriotic holiday, when we break out the red, white, and blue and remind ourselves of our forefather’s fight for freedom – freedom to be citizens of our own country without oppression and tyranny of other governments over … Read More

The Pursuit of Joy

Summer is approaching. And while I welcome the warmth, barbecues, and ball games, I also look forward to diving into my summer reading list. One of my favorites last year was Alister McGrath’s C.S. Lewis: A Life. It’s a fascinating look into the life and mind of one of the most influential Christian apologists of the 20th century. The Oxford Don is … Read More

Keeping Fixed on Hope

Hope. Often times when we talk about hope it’s regarding something that could possibly come to pass. Like how I hope the Mets win the World Series this year, but I actually don’t have a clue if that will happen. People play the lottery with hopes that the numbers they picked will actually be the ones that pop out of the little … Read More

Productivity and the Gospel

Take a glance at the App Store or Google Play, and you’ll notice that productivity apps are among the most popular and downloaded apps in the smart device marketplace. Productivity is trendy (so is using the word “trendy”), and there are no shortage of books, systems, and tools that promise to bring order to your otherwise chaotic life. I must admit … Read More

Being Thankful

Growing up with the “Me Generation,” I have heard many messages from our society and the media about what I deserve. If I turned on the TV, one commercial would tell me, “Have you had your break today?” and to come in and get a “Happy Meal.”  If I changed the channel, there would be a pushy salesman telling me … Read More

Signs and Wonders

At the time of this writing, we are in the midst of the sermon series “The Gospel According to John: The Invisible Made Visible.” If you’ve been following from the beginning or have read through the book, you’ll notice that John is a very thematic writer. Like his Rabbi, he cleverly combines spiritual truths with physical illustrations. One theme that has … Read More

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Many myths and legends have circulated throughout the centuries since St. Patrick’s death. What do we know about the man who has come to represent Irish pride (Erin Go Braugh!)? What, if anything, can we Christians celebrate on the holiday that bears his name? First of all, St. Patrick (whose birth-name may have been Maewyn Succat) was not Irish at all. He was born … Read More