Do You Have Church Family?

Interesting question, right? We all have the natural family that we were born into, and we did not have any choice in that decision. God put us in a family unit, as part of His plan for our lives. We had to learn to appreciate our family in all of their glorious dysfunction. As you mature, one of the things … Read More


January is over. Tuesday was Groundhog Day. Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow, so it’s an early spring for us. Sunday is the Superbowl. And it looks like Ted and Hill are the winners. Today is a new day and tomorrow seems to come even sooner. I don’t think any of us haven’t asked, “Where did the time go?” … Read More

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

Image courtesy Skit Guys

The Bible tells a story. Not just any story but a redemption story – THE redemption story. From Genesis the story unfolds to reveal the need of a savior, the need for one to come and save people from the sin that plagued mankind from Adam’s sin in the garden. Throughout the Old Testament we see God raise people up … Read More

All I Want for Christmas…

I can remember a special Christmas holiday time in the early 1970’s, when I was looking forward, with eager anticipation, to a great present. In the 1970’s, many young boys were collecting GI Joe action figures. I already had a couple of Joes, but I really needed the GI Joe Mobile Command Center vehicle, the quintessential piece to any young man’s … Read More

Thanksgiving and Christology

Some fifteen years ago when I had just become a Christian, I remember talking to pastor Ed about his friend who was a Christologist. I asked what that was, and he explained to me that a Christologist was a man who studied the life of Christ. As I inquired further, I learned that this man wasn’t a believer. That made absolutely no sense … Read More

Biblical Belief

One of the unique features of the Gospel according to John is his use of the word “believe.” John uses it more than all the other gospel accounts combined, almost three more often. And without exception, every occurrence of the word is in the form of a verb. That is telling. The point: believing is active, not passive. It is alive and … Read More

Three Ways to Support The Venture Churches Food Pantry

One of the ways we try to bless our community is by being a part of the Venture Churches Food Pantry which helps to supply food to families in need within the Selkirk-Glenmont area. Here are three great ways to help support the Venture Churches Food Pantry: You can donate a boxed cake mix to be included in their Thanksgiving baskets. … Read More

Living as Branches

Productivity is a top priority within our culture. We want to get as many things done as we can as efficiently as we can. The Apple App store even has a devoted sub category specifically called “Get Stuff Done.” You can find tons of different apps from to-do lists to reminders that can help you organize and complete the tasks … Read More

Hitting the Target

The mornings are getting cooler, and the leaves are beginning to change color. Fall has officially arrived and with it, our habits also change. Some of us set our mind on prepping for winter, while others enjoy activities such as hiking, country drives, and fall festivals. My favorite autumn activity is bow hunting. Although it is a fun activity, bow hunting requires much … Read More

Our Shame and The Gospel

Shame, have you ever felt it so deep that you couldn’t bear to be present in public?  John Calvin wrote; ”Only those who have learned well to be earnestly dissatisfied with themselves, and to be confounded with shame truly understand the Christian gospel.” Newton referred to himself as a wretch in his song Amazing Grace. I guess we could say shame is an emotion … Read More