At King’s Chapel we believe spiritual gifts are an ability sovereignly given by God to believers for God’s glory that empowers us for the building up of the body, the work of the ministry and the advancement of the kingdom. We have a variety of ministry teams, they are listed below. Fill out the King’s Chapel Serving form to let us know where we can best get you plugged in.


If you enjoy kids and teaching we would love to have you help out with our Sunday morning Children’s Church program. If you have any questions about our Children’s Church ministry email Jessica Deeb.


At King’s Chapel we want everyone who walks through the door to feel welcome and at home. If you enjoy meeting new people and just generally love making people feel welcome please consider joining the hospitality team. You can contact Pastor Chris with any questions.


The music at King’s Chapel is lead by a full live band each week.  If you have any musical talents, we would love to see you use them to help lead the congregation in song, fill out the Worship Band application to set up an audition. If you have any questions contact Pastor Ricky with any questions.

Sound & Tech Team

Our Sunday corporate gathering is very media driven.  From controlling the band’s sound, running the presentation slides, and recording each sermon.  We need tech savvy people in order for our service to run smoothly, if you are gifted in this way we’d love to get you plugged in on the Media Team. Reach out to Pastor Ricky if you’d be able to serve in this way.


With each season and sermon series comes new decorations and atmosphere. If you are someone who is creative and enjoys decorating we’d love to have you on our Atmosphere Team. For more details, contact Rachel Mixie.


We have several breakfasts and luncheons throughout the year, there is a good amount of setup and tear down that comes with those events.  This is another great team to get plugged into if you enjoy serving with your hands. If you want to learn more about this ministry, contact Diane Miller.