As you enter
As you enter the building you will be greeted by one of our hospitality team members. The hospitality team is here to make you feel welcomed and at home at King's Chapel. If you have any question they are always ready to help.
As you make your way into the church you'll be able to grab coffee, tea, or water in the foyer. Our foyer also offers multiple places to sit and fellowship with people before and after the service.
If you have Children you can make your way back to the KC Kids Check-In station, located back in our fellowship hall. There is more information about our KC Kids ministries below.

Our Corporate Worship Service
As you enter our gathering space for corporate worship you can feel free to watch the scrolling announcements to see upcoming events and other information about King’s Chapel. You can also access our eBulletin at worship band begins our corporate worship service at 10:00am. The band leader will begin the service with a Call to Worship from the Scriptures before we worship together through song. The music is contemporary, and the songs are a blend of great new songs and some classic hymns. (If you would like to serve on the Worship Band please click HERE.) As the singing ends, one of the Pastors will pray and move into a time of Announcements, Pastoral Prayer, and Scripture Reading. Following that we continue to worship in song. Children are dismissed for their Children's Church classes between songs via a message on the screen.
KC Kids (Children's Church & Nursery)
King’s Chapel is a family-friendly environment so before the sermon we dismiss the children from ages Pre-K (3yrs) thru 8th grade for Children’s Church. We believe that children are a blessing from God and should be taught about God and his plan for the world in a learning environment conducive to their needs. Nursery is available for the entire corporate worship time for children 0-3yrs.
We use a Planning Center Check-In's each week for checking into our KC Kids Sunday morning programs (Children's Church & Nursery). To get entered in our system ahead of time fill out this form to pre-register.

The Sermon
After some time of singing together, we move into studying the Bible. We are a gospel-centered church that does expository preaching. Meaning we study through books of the Bible, chapter by chapter, verse by verse looking closely at what the original author intended and applying that truth to our lives.
At King’s we try to make our worship gatherings accessible to those who are seeking relationships with God, or new to the Christian faith, and at the same time, fresh for those who have been a Christian for a long time. We believe that God wants to be involved in our everyday lives, so we present the ageless truths of scripture in a message that can be easily understood and relevant for today.

The Gospel
At the center of the message each week is the Gospel – the good news that in Jesus Christ, God is known and our sins can be forgiven. He is pursuing a relationship with us and is in the process of redeeming, renewing, and restoring us, and all of creation. We believe this message of the gospel has amazing ramifications for our lives and relationships so we try to communicate it in fresh and meaningful ways each week.
On the first Sunday of every month (at least), we celebrate and remember the death of Jesus Christ by doing something called “communion” or “the Lord’s Supper.”
At the end of the service, the worship band comes back and leads a few more songs. We are here to serve you and we are glad to have you visiting and worshiping with us.

Following The Service
Offering boxes are located in the Gathering Space if you’d like to give your offering in person. If you are a visitor and not a part of our church family, please do not feel obligated to give. We also have an Information Center located out in our Foyer. You can learn more about King's Chapel there, as well as sign up for events on the provided tablets. After the service, people tend to hang around to talk and enjoy each other’s friendship. We are an imperfect group of people trying to pursue Jesus Christ on the journey of faith. Sunday morning is our chance to join together in corporate worship. It’s a breath of fresh air in the midst of a hectic life.