Adopted into the Family of God

Christmas is coming! Yes, I know we need to get there one holiday at a time. First Halloween and then Thanksgiving, but Christmas is coming. I know that because some places are actually playing Christmas music already. How dare they! Christmas season for our family is a time when we do everything humanly possible to spend time together. I love … Read More


Have you ever pondered the attributes of God? It can be a challenge for our small minds to comprehend the defining attributes of an infinite God. For instance, God is omnipresent. He is everywhere, at the same time. There is no place in the universe, where God is not. Or how about the fact that God is omniscient? God knows … Read More

A Reminder in the Midst of Racism

I think it’s fair to say that all of us were shocked by the violence that took place last week in Charlottesville, Virginia. And you may still be reeling from the vile, racist, hate-filled demonstration which claimed three lives and was dozens of injuries. The cruelty directed toward African Americans in Charlottesville and the threatening rhetoric and violence hurled at … Read More

The Gospel: Good News for Sinners

Many of us go through life without comprehending the seriousness of our sins nor do we comprehend that God hates sin. Sin is not subjective. It is breaking the absolute standard that God has declared in His Word. The Bible makes it crystal clear that all of us have sinned against God. In fact, in his letter to the church in … Read More

Fake Fruit and Febreze

For the past several weeks, we’ve been studying the “Fruit of Spirit,” the nine Holy Spirit empowered characteristics which evidence “Internal Gospel Growth”. We’ve learned that each highlights an attribute of our glorious God who displayed perfect love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, and self-control in the incarnation. Incredibly, as God’s adopted children we also empowered by the Spirit to … Read More

Joy is Plan A

When our feet hit the ground in the morning, we are faced with our first decision of the day. What kind of day is it going to be? Our decision might turn on several factors. Is it sunny out, do I feel well rested, do I smell coffee brewing, or is my hair totally awesome already? All of these pathways … Read More

Concluding the Gospel According to John

This Sunday, May 28 we will conclude our study of the Gospel According to John. As I look back over the 70+ Sundays we have been in this book, I am amazed at how incredibly simple and yet incredibly profound it is. I will miss our studies together, but I also want to give thanks to God for this eyewitness … Read More

Book Study: What is Reformed Theology?

In just a few weeks, we will be hosting a book study of R.C. Sproul’s What is Reformed Theology? Understanding the Basics. We’ll discuss the fundamental beliefs that rose from the Protestant Reformation. Though we are 500 years removed from the Reformers, their rediscovery of the gospel and a God-centered theology profoundly impacts us today. As we read the book together, we will … Read More

We Serve a Risen Savior

Today is the most joyous day of the year: the day that we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb, and His total victory over sin and death. Christians in every corner of the world can rejoice in the living hope that is Jesus Christ. This event redefined the relationship between God and man. Christ’s sacrificial death on the … Read More

Passion Week Devotional

Download the 2017 Passion Week Devotional April 9th marks the beginning of Passion Week, the time of year that we reflect on our Lord’s suffering, death, and triumphal resurrection from the grave. For Christians, it’s both sobering and joyful to encounter the cross and the empty tomb. It reminds us of the ugliness of sin as well as the loveliness … Read More