As the Music & Arts Pastor here at King’s Chapel I find myself listening to a lot of music. Whether its in preparation for a Sunday morning, or working at my desk on items not pertaining to music at all. A couple years ago I picked up an album by an artist named Dustin Kensrue called, “The Water & The Blood.” Its one of the few albums I can listen to from start to finish, and then repeat again. This comes from Dustin writing music that’s gospel-centered, theologically sound, and musically creative. His music offers lyrics that provoke thought and music that is intriguing. I’m not intending to write an album review or puff up Dustin, but I wanted to lay the ground work for a song that has not grown old on me for some time now and is constantly an encouragement. Actually it’s my ring tone, so I get reminded of it with each phone call.
The song is called “God is Good,” and it is based on the classic congregational proclamation where the leader says “God is good all of the time” and the congregation replies, “All of the time God is good.” A phrase that for many has become normal, or just an “old school” thing to say. But what Dustin does in his song is take that phrase and pairs it with things that don’t always seem good. Some of the lyrics in the verses are, “Even when it seems the answers no…even when it seems He hides His face…even when it seems He pays no mind.” Though he’s bringing up seemingly terrible times, he pairs them next to truth from scripture: “The promises of God all find their yes…”(2 Corinthians 1:20), “We look to Christ who suffered in our place, that one day all our suffering would end…”(Revelation 21:4) “We have a guarantee of his great love, in Christ who came and left his crown behind, that one day we would reign with him above…”(2 Timothy 2:10-13)
All of these verses bring us back to the truth that God is good, all of the time! (Psalm 34:8) No matter what happens in this life we can take refuge in the fact that we have a holy, just, and good God. A God who works actively in our lives, drawing us closer to himself, using situation after situation to teach us to trust in His goodness and faithfulness. Do you believe it? I pray this song would encourage you as it has me.
[youtube id=”m739tRCSc-E”]