november prayer list

Pray that…
Eternity: Gospel Redemption
Salvations Many in our community will respond in faith to the gospel, acknowledging Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
Gospel-Center Churches in our community They faithfully preach, teach, and minister to the saints and the spiritually needy in their context.
Identity: Gospel Transformation
New & Young Believers They are protected from the Evil One and grow in their faith, love of God, His Church, and the lost.
Seniors They would be esteemed by the church for their life experience and wisdom, and they would mentor younger adults.
Singles They would value Christian community and use their time, talents, and efforts to serve the church and live missionally.
Parents & Young  Families God will grant parents/guardians the wisdom, strength, patience, and understanding to raise children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Pastors They will joyfully shepherd the congregation of King's Chapel and faithfully equip all the saints for the work of the ministry.
Deacons They will joyfully serve the congregation's needs according to their calling and gifting.
Pastor Ricky's Sabbatical Pastor Ricky will benefit from the extended time of rest.
Community: Gospel Restoration
Operation Christmas Child Collection Week The children receiving gifts will experience joy and respond in faith to the gospel.
Local Schools & Colleges Students can learn in a safe environment, and teachers and school staff will educate students with wisdom and care.
Police & Emergency Response God will bless their efforts to provide safety and protection and administer prompt medical treatment to those in need.
Community Groups These gospel-centered communities will be places where relationships and discipleship thrive.
Gospel Partners - local and global They form relationships with people in their context; they are protected from the Enemy; and the gospel will advance through their efforts.
Elections Eligible voters will exercise this right and responsibility with an informed conscience, and for safe and fair elections that honor our Sovereign God.
Youth Groups & KC Kids Leaders and volunteers reach students where they are with the truth of God consistent with their level of understanding.
Sunday Morning Ministry Teams We will be known as a hospitable church that provides a safe place to worship God through faithful Christ-centered preaching, teaching, and singing.