March prayer list

Pray that…
Eternity: Gospel Redemption
Salvations Many in our community will respond in faith to the gospel, acknowledging Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
Gospel-Center Churches in our community They faithfully preach, teach, and minister to the saints and the spiritually needy in their context.
Gospel Partners - local and global They form relationships with people in their context, they are protected from the Enemy, and the gospel will advance through their efforts.
Family Multiplication God will provide us insight, wisdom, and opportunities to multiply our family by planting another location in the Capital Region.
Baptisms Followers of Jesus Christ will attend the baptism class, learn the meaning of baptism, and joyfully obey the Lord's command to be baptised in the local church.
Identity: Gospel Transformation
New & Young Believers They are protected from the Evil One and grow in their faith, love of God, His Church, and the lost.
Seniors They would be esteemed by the church for their life experience and wisdom, and they would mentor younger adults.
Singles They would value Christian community and use their time, talents, and efforts to serve the church and live missionally.
Married God with strengthen marriages with joy,  love, and good communication.
Parents God will grant parents/guardians the wisdom, strength, patience, and understanding to raise children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Pastors They will enjoy fresh strength this new year and by God's power faithfully equip all the saints for the work of the ministry.
Deacons They will have renewed determination this new year to serve the congregation's needs according to their calling and gifting.
Men's Discipleship Class The men attending will learn the skills to seek and employ wisdom in an age of media overload.
Working Adults Godly integrity and honesty will characterize their work-ethic, and that they will maintain a healthy work/life balance.
Struggling Saints Those struggling with depression, anxiety, fear, loss, addiction, distress, confusion, or suffering will grow in their reliance on Jesus for security, hope, joy, and peace.
Community: Gospel Restoration
Alpha Pregnancy Care Center Bottle Drive We will support our Gospel Partner so  that they can continue to lovingly serve women in crisis pregnancies with dignity and grace as they guide them toward the choice of life.
Local Schools & Colleges Students will learn in a safe environment, and that God will grant encouragement, refreshment, and creative strategies to teachers as they educate students with wisdom and care.
Police & Emergency Response God will bless their efforts to provide safety and protection and administer prompt medical treatment to those in need.
Youth Groups & KC Kids Leaders and volunteers reach students where they are with the truth of God consistent with their level of understanding.
Community Groups These gospel-centered communities will be places where relationships and discipleship thrive.
Worship Band Members will sing and play their instruments with excellence creating an atmosphere of praise to our God.
Safety Team Those serving will effectively maintain an environment of safety where worship, community, and discipleship can take place.
New Volunteers New volunteers will join our ministry teams using their God-given gifts as avenues for edifying the church at King's Chapel.
NYS Government Our legislators, judges, and Governor Hochul will seek godly wisdom as their exercise their civil duties and authority under God's supreme authority.
National Government Our elected and appointed representatives in congress, the executive and judicial branches  will seek biblical wisdom as they govern under their God-given authority.