Pray that… |
Eternity: Gospel Redemption |
Salvations |
Many in our community will respond in faith to the gospel, acknowledging Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. |
Gospel-Center Churches in our community |
They faithfully preach, teach, and minister to the saints and the spiritually needy in their context. |
Gospel Partners - local and global |
They form relationships with people in their context, they are protected from the Enemy, and the gospel will advance through their efforts. |
Family Multiplication |
God will provide us insight, wisdom, and opportunities to multiply our family by planting another location in the Capital Region. |
Baptisms |
Followers of Jesus Christ will attend the baptism class, learn the meaning of baptism, and joyfully obey the Lord's command to be baptised in the local church. |
Identity: Gospel Transformation |
New & Young Believers |
They are protected from the Evil One and grow in their faith, love of God, His Church, and the lost. |
Seniors |
They would be esteemed by the church for their life experience and wisdom, and they would mentor younger adults. |
Singles |
They would value Christian community and use their time, talents, and efforts to serve the church and live missionally. |
Married |
God with strengthen marriages with joy, love, and good communication. |
Parents |
God will grant parents/guardians the wisdom, strength, patience, and understanding to raise children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. |
Pastors |
They will enjoy fresh strength this new year and by God's power faithfully equip all the saints for the work of the ministry. |
Deacons |
They will have renewed determination this new year to serve the congregation's needs according to their calling and gifting. |
Men's Discipleship Class |
The men attending will learn the skills to seek and employ wisdom in an age of media overload. |
Working Adults |
Godly integrity and honesty will characterize their work-ethic, and that they will maintain a healthy work/life balance. |
Struggling Saints |
Those struggling with depression, anxiety, fear, loss, addiction, distress, confusion, or suffering will grow in their reliance on Jesus for security, hope, joy, and peace. |
Community: Gospel Restoration |
Alpha Pregnancy Care Center Bottle Drive |
We will support our Gospel Partner so that they can continue to lovingly serve women in crisis pregnancies with dignity and grace as they guide them toward the choice of life. |
Local Schools & Colleges |
Students will learn in a safe environment, and that God will grant encouragement, refreshment, and creative strategies to teachers as they educate students with wisdom and care. |
Police & Emergency Response |
God will bless their efforts to provide safety and protection and administer prompt medical treatment to those in need. |
Youth Groups & KC Kids |
Leaders and volunteers reach students where they are with the truth of God consistent with their level of understanding. |
Community Groups |
These gospel-centered communities will be places where relationships and discipleship thrive. |
Worship Band |
Members will sing and play their instruments with excellence creating an atmosphere of praise to our God. |
Safety Team |
Those serving will effectively maintain an environment of safety where worship, community, and discipleship can take place. |
New Volunteers |
New volunteers will join our ministry teams using their God-given gifts as avenues for edifying the church at King's Chapel. |
NYS Government |
Our legislators, judges, and Governor Hochul will seek godly wisdom as their exercise their civil duties and authority under God's supreme authority. |
National Government |
Our elected and appointed representatives in congress, the executive and judicial branches will seek biblical wisdom as they govern under their God-given authority. |