In Harold Best’s book Unceasing Worship, he describes the Trinity as the uniquely “continuous outpourer” who continually pours Himself out between the persons of the Godhead in unceasing communication, love, friendship, and joy. He writes: “We were created continuously outpouring. Note that I did not say we were created to be continuous outpourers. Nor can I dare imply that we were created to worship. This would suggest that God is an incomplete person whose need for something outside himself (worship) completes his sense of himself. It might not even be safe to say that we were created for worship, because the inference can be drawn that worship is a capacity that can be separated out and eventually relegated to one of several categories of being. I believe it is strategically important, therefore, to say that we were created continuously outpouring—we were created in that condition, at that instant, imago Dei.”
What Best is saying is, because God within Himself, glorifies and pours out continues worship, it would only make sense that since we are made in His image and likeness that we would also be unceasing worshipers. Worship therefore is not just one aspect of our being, but rather part of the essence of our being as God’s image bearers. As a result, all of life is ceaseless worship. Therefore, although worship does include when we gather on Sunday mornings, it is not limited to it, because worship never stops.
Everyone who has ever lived – will ever live – is an unceasing worshiper. The question is not “do I worship?” The question is “who and what do I worship?” In Psalm 29:2 God invite us to “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness.” Are you worshiping Him with your whole heart, soul mind and strength?