
CarePortal is an online platform that aids churches in meeting the needs of foster children and prevents children from entering the foster system by strengthening biological families. It reveals the needs of children and families in our community, so that we can demonstrate Christ's love by meeting those needs. Click here to watch how CarePortal works.

If you would like to be regularly notified about requested items, click here and sign up to donate and/or transport ItemsPlease do not bring items to the church without first contacting our CarePortal Point People, Rob and Melissa Volk.

Donate Items

What kind of items are typically requested? Items can range from dishware to diapers, bunk beds to bath towels. Below is a list of the Top 5 Most Requested Items Through CarePortal:

  1. Beds: Cribs, toddler beds and bunk beds
  2. Dressers (Must be new)
  3. Living room furniture
  4. Car seats (Must be new)
  5. Seasonal items/services

A selection of requested items will be posted on Realm and emailed to those who have signed up to be notified. However, you can view all new requests at any time at the King's Chapel page on CarePortal.


Collecting items is one thing, getting the items to the caseworker or the family is another. There may be opportunities to meet the families we are serving, get to know them, and have gospel conversations.

Other ways to help


All money collected through the CarePortal fund will be used to purchase requested items for children and families.


(Select "Care Portal" from the dropdown menu)


Pray for the children and families in our community. Not just generally, but specifically. When you visit the King's Chapel page on CarePortal or join the email list, you will not only see a list of requested items but also a brief description of the child's or family's circumstances. Let them know you are praying by clicking the Commit to Pray button on the website or email.